Walking Through Your Soul
Walking Through Your Soul
I'm not sure what the words to this mean...they just seem to fit the feel of the song as it built up. I'll let any L'il Frueds or Junior Jungs take a crack at it if they want. Drop me a line if you figure it out...
Al: Walkin'
I'm not sure what the words to this mean...they just seem to fit the feel of the song as it built up. I'll let any L'il Frueds or Junior Jungs take a crack at it if they want. Drop me a line if you figure it out...
Al: Walkin'
A definite Beck Hansen feel. If you want to emphasize that, just add an acoustic guitar to it.
Heh, I dig the Beckster and am happy to ape him in a play for "indie cred", whatever that is. Luckily the chords are easy enough so that I could bash it out on acoustic...worth a shot, I say...
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